The Reason You Are Unemployed in Dubai

When it comes to the Dubai labor market, we have to say a great job market. There are many possibilities in different areas of work. In the big city of Dubai, the labor market is growing rapidly due to future events such as the Dubai World Expo 2020. There is a lot of high demand and high demand for employment. According to a previous survey, the United Arab Emirates is one of the lowest unemployment countries in the world. We should not forget that despite the growth in employment in Dubai, there is a lot of competition among job seekers in Dubai. Dubai Job Seekers Errors Are For Everyone. So a small mistake in a very competitive labor market allows you to lose your previous job.

If you want to go abroad, there is another requirement for visas. Learn how to get a formal visa for work instructions in Dubai. Have you ever found a situation where everything is really good for work, but suddenly you are removed from the list of the best candidates. Facing everyone is perfect, but you have not called from the recruiter. You may be surprised to find something wrong with your heart.

  • Why can't I get a job?

  • What happened to my record?

  • What's wrong with my interview?

We think of these questions without getting a job / answer. Because I have enough experience in job search in Dubai, why shouldn't I focus on the mistakes most often made by applicants who want to find a job in Dubai.

Let me make the first step. Here are some of the most likely reasons why you may be unemployed:

1)      You are applying randomly online for jobs

This is a common concept among us, ie the more jobs we use, the more recruiters' answers. This myth is completely wrong in my eyes. Many options do not give you a good return. You want better quality rather than size. Instead of network searching and random downloading. Take the time and effort to work better with your education, skills and experience. This is the perfect job search job.

2)      You are submitting Same Resume again and again

You agree with me that normal restart does not meet the requirements of each recruiter. We usually believe that all jobs have specific skills, experience and skills. The CV cannot be used in all posts. If you see recruiters looking for a candidate, you should understand and understand how to adapt your reproduction accordingly. You just need this simple method. If you want perfect job so you can submit your resume here at Gulf News Classified Jobs Wanted and get shortlisted now.

3)      Research failure about the agency

Job interviews are essential for work. The story of a job interview is important to everyone. When you're done, you'll get great results from the interview. Company information is very important for the interview. The need to understand the business of the company, to understand the business plan of the company, the product types that the company offers, the employees and the main goals of the company.

When you are ready and learn, most of his successful interviews take place. This preparation also has a positive impact on the interview. This shows how much the person is interested in the job. Other candidates may not be aware of the company, so it creates opportunities for you. You will receive bonus points when replying to the recruiter.

4)      There is a communication Gap in job searching

If you've just applied for an online business, that's not enough. Creating a strong professionalism is also a very important and important part. If you are not getting job search information for someone, you can have a backup to achieve your goal. Online and offline connections are very important for jobseekers. Once you've set a job search category, you'll need to join the network to contact people with the same interests.

5)      follow up with the hiring manager after the interview

When you finish the interview, not everyone. Applicants must follow the hire manager at any time after the interview. Let me explain its effect. What happens when you hire a driver, he needs to draw his attention to himself. This will cause the payer to think that you are very serious and that you are interested in this work. Therefore, it is important to monitor the work that can be done in different ways.

Send "thank you" a great deal. You have the opportunity to be interviewed. Thousands of work placements are for a specific job. Most applications and data are categorized by professional managers. They can respond to you. So, subsequent steps will help you to remind you. It also gives you choice and other job seekers. Other candidates only have to wait for weeks or months, but you can take this opportunity to complete the process. Communication plays an important role in doing the job.

6)      Never affect mistakes from the past

At the same time, efforts have been made possible to work again in Dubai. Your travel search may have multiple ports. Do not miss in the past, just learn from the mistakes. One of the most common mistakes remains. You must avoid it at all costs. Your greetings are not always successful. We all have problems associated with a different life, and mistakes are part of life. You are likely to find work early. But if you do not find a job quickly, that does not mean you do not have enough qualifications. We mentioned there were a number of reasons for the failure of Dubai applicants.

  • So at the end of this article, I want something

  • Work always at the right address.

  • Avoid accidents at work.

  • Learn from the past and avoid mistakes from Dubai candidates.

  • Never give up, continue and show your progress.

  • Know where you need to improve.

  • Identify weaknesses and strengths and work with weaknesses.

  • Use routine workflows every time with different jobs.

  • Follow up for the interview.

I am sure, after reading this article, that you are very confident and find the candidate's mistake in Dubai in one place. Let's hope, after reading, that you will get a better impact and find your mistakes. I wish you a success in this big city of Dubai and wish you all your luck.