TRINITY LABORATORY’s SSD solution for cleaning money. - Kuwait City

Using TRINITY LABORATORY’s SSD solution for cleaning money. This solution contains a variety of ingredients that results in discoloration of banknotes without any hassle. We specializes in ssd chemical solution and activation powder for cleaning black dollars, euros, pounds and any other currency with best cleaning equipment and highly motivated technicians from round the Globe. We are universal synthetic solution detergent laboratory base in USA,UAE and UK (universal ssd solution and activating powder with ssd cleaning machine,heating powder,with our latest cleaning discovery chemical called (Castrom Oxide).

Whatsapp :+971528109970
email: [email protected]
skype: trinity.laboratory

Posted on : 2 years ago, #117689, 6 views, Edit

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Kuwait City, Kuwait

Phone : 0528109970

Email : [email protected]